Sunday 16 September 2018

Welcome To Business Videos Store

           Get more for your advertising dollar?

Dear Friend,

Are you spending money on business advertising?

You can get more for your spend if you put a video in front of that same audience because video is the best kind of engaging content.

A quick web commercial for your business is more likely to be watched and shared with friends, family, and coworkers. Most static ads like images and text ads are ignored, but a video that looks interesting is more likely to get a click from your audience.

And video is also top of the search results when a consumer does a search for a problem that they are having; this includes the problems you solve and the products & services provided by your company.

Would you like your business to be the video they watch and the number they call, instead of your competitors?

All of Facebook is practically video and animated slideshows. Instagram is fast becoming the place to watch brand and consumer content. YouTube is a monster traffic source for local business, as well.

Let’s get a video in front of your prospects, teach them something of value, and ask them to take action;  video will get you more customers.

You should know that there is no need to spend a ton of money to have video content. In fact, I’ve got this down to a science and can do a high-impact video for just £197 about the cost of what it takes for a graphic artist to make you some ads that most people ignore.

I’m so sure that video is the way forward, that I’m willing to give you one custom video for your business, at absolutely no cost, whatsoever.

Do you want this free promotional video? If so, please just reply, and we’ll go from there.

Steve Hodson
077230 29573


Welcome To Business Videos Store

           Get more for your advertising dollar? Dear Friend, Are you spending money on business advertising? Y...